We Can All Hear

“How long have you been able to hear the animals?”

Terri and I get asked this question a lot, and we love to answer it. Both of us have been able to “hear” animals since we were young children. As we grew into our teens, we allowed the adults and our culture to convince us that we were imagining it all, and we stopped hearing them. After all, American culture in the 1950’s and 60’s was very much based on the concrete. In other words, if you couldn’t see it, hear it, feel, smell it or taste it, it didn’t exist. As adults, we both rediscovered the ability to hear animals, and we’ve been expanding and growing our abilities ever since.

The growth of scientific knowledge in the area of quantum physics, the advent of computer technology, and our increased exposure to events across the world through the media have all contributed to more openness towards things not readily experienced by our 5 physical senses. We now have TV shows like “Medium”, and “The Pet Psychic” that are putting non-physical reality out there for all to experience.

Terri and I began working with our own abilities in this area quite by accident. We both independently had issues with animals we lived with, and encountered an animal communicator that we asked to help us. We found the results to be truly amazing, even to science-based, skeptical people like us. We took classes from this person, and began to practice individually and in a monthly group setting. We have learned not only to hear animals of all sorts, but also plants, rocks, and the nature spirits of our property. We are continuing to grow and learn as we talk with more animals and their families.

What’s the first thing that you do to begin learning how to hear animals? Awareness. What I mean by that is this: we live with our animals, but often are so busy that we don’t truly connect with or interact with them beyond the feeding and potty activities. One of the biggest things that helped me hear my own animals better was to stop and pay attention to them as living, breathing members of my family. I began to notice and respond when they came to greet me, or to ask for interaction. I don’t generally walk past one of our animals without acknowledging them in some way – even our iguana Kazel. All they ask is that we take a few minutes and connect with them, experience their love for us. We are, after all, the center of their lives (after food, of course).

When you have formed the habit of acknowledging and connecting with your animals, the next step is to ask them a simple question and the listen for the answer. Sounds simple, right? It’s not. I have been talking AT animals for years – I began my journey as an animal communicator when I began to shut up and LISTEN to them. The answer will come very quickly, and may be in the form of a picture, a feeling, a movie clip, a nuance. The important thing is to truly listen, and then trust what you get. What we have found is that we view and interact with our animals very differently now. The more we communicate with them, the more we view them as thinking, emotional, and spiritual individuals, and the more we value them as family members.

The bottom line is that anyone who truly loves animals can learn to communicate with them. Try it out with your own pets, and see what happens. You might be very surprised at how they respond.

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